Monday, September 27, 2010

Know What you Want to be Famous for

 Know What you Want to be Famous for

As an experiment and in keeping in the spirit of New Year's wises, we are conducting an experiment in goal setting (wishes with deadlines). Much of what you will find here is based on "The Ultimate Success Formula" popularized by success coach Anthony Robbins. This is a simple sequence of actions for achieving a goal. They are as follows:
  1. Know what you want
  2. Take action toward it
  3. Examine the results of your action
  4. Adjust your approach
Over the next four weeks, starting today, we are challenging you to set a goal and follow through with these steps. You probably wont be famous in 4 weeks but don't be discouraged. You will probably be in better shape for the years to come. This week begins with the first step:

Know What You Want

Before you take off on your journey, you have to know where you want to end up.
What kind of results do you want?
You’ll find that the less wishy-washy you are about your destination, the better your chance of arriving there. You can’t just say things like, “I want to be a better”, “I want a nicer glasses”, “I want more exposure”, “I want a cool mystique”, or “I want to be a famous Architect”.
No, you have to be specific. “I want a Robert Marc custom design glasses”, or “I want my inside-outside house to be published in Metropolis Magazine”.
If you don’t have a good target, how can you possibly know when you’ve hit it?

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